Potable Aqua Tablets

Regular price $25.00 Sale price $13.75

Potable Aqua® Drinking Water Germicidal Tablets are intended for emergency disinfection of drinking water. When used as directed, they make most water suitable for drinking. Used worldwide by campers, hikers, militaries, emergency organizations and anyone needing to drink water of questionable bacteriological quality. Potable Aqua® is for use only when drinking water is suspect, or known to be bacteriologically substandard. Not to be used on a continuous basis. For short term or limited emergency use only. This product will treat and neutralize up to 25 quarts of water, rendering it free of micro-organisms. When used as directed, it is effective against viruses and protazoa, including Giardia Lamblia. Potable Aqua® is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for short term or limited emergency use, and is preferred over filters by campers, hikers and backpackers because of its light weight and minute size.